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Appetitively motivated instrumental learning in SynGAP heterozygous knockout mice




The synaptic Ras/Rap-GTPase-activating protein (SynGAP) regulates specific intracellular events following N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) activation. Here, the impact of SynGAP heterozygous knockout (SG+/-) on NMDAR-dependent functions was assessed using different positive reinforcement schedules in instrumental conditioning. The knockout did not affect the temporal control of operant responding under a fixed interval (FI) schedule, but led to a putative enhancement in response vigor and/or disinhibition. When examined on differential reinforcement of low rates of response (DRL) schedules, SG+/- mice showed increased responding under DRL-4s and DRL-8s, without impairing the response efficiency (total rewards/total lever presses) because both rewarded and nonrewarded presses were elevated. Motivation was unaffected as evaluated using a progressive ratio (PR) schedule. Yet, SG+/- mice persisted in responding during extinction at the end of PR training, although an equivalent phenotype was not evident in extinction learning following FI-20s training. This extinction phenotype is therefore schedule-specific and cannot be generalized to Pavlovian conditioning. In conclusion, constitutive SynGAP reduction increases vigor in the execution of learned operant behavior without compromising its temporal control, yielding effects readily distinguishable from NMDAR blockade.
机译:突触Ras / Rap-GTPase激活蛋白(SynGAP)调节N-甲基-d-天冬氨酸受体(NMDAR)激活后的特定细胞内事件。在这里,SynGAP杂合敲除(SG +/-)对NMDAR依赖功能的影响是在仪器调节中使用不同的积极强化方案进行评估的。敲除未影响固定间隔(FI)时间表下操作员响应的时间控制,但导致了响应活力和/或抑制力的假定增强。在对低反应率(DRL)计划进行差异强化检查时,SG +/-小鼠显示在DRL-4s和DRL-8s下反应增强,而不会损害反应效率(总奖励/总杠杆按压),因为奖励按压和非奖励按压被提升。动机不受影响,如使用渐进比率(PR)计划进行评估。然而,SG +/-小鼠在PR训练结束时的灭绝过程中仍然保持反应,尽管在FI-20s训练后的灭绝学习中没有明显的等效表型。因此,这种灭绝表型是特定于时间表的,不能推广到巴甫洛夫式条件。总而言之,本构性SynGAP降低可提高执行已习得的操作员行为的活力,而不会影响其时间控制,从而产生易于与NMDAR封锁区分开的效果。



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